Friday, 17 December 2021

Walk 258 Strollers' Annual Christmas Lunch


Fifty four Strollers met up at the Royal Scots Club for Christmas Lunch. Tying in with Covid restrictions, we had fewer people at a table and because of the smaller number attending the tables were further apart.

There was no piping in this year, which is just as well as our piper had decided to try his forward roll technique while going out his back door. Unfortunately he failed to pull it off and damaged his hand so he couldn’t play. Hopefully he won’t try it again and be fit for next year.

There was also no entertainment by the Strolling Players but we had a quiz instead which led to a tie on 36 out of 40 points, so the prize was shared between 3 tables. The booby prize team were just a little behind, well maybe not so little, but enjoyed their prize.

The food and service was very good, with a minor quibble over when to clear tables, our Chairperson is willing to offer lessons!

Overall it was a very good day and a good opportunity for so many people who hadn’t met up for a while to catch up. 

Hopefully by next year we may be in a better position re Covid. 

Looking forward to walks in 2022 starting with the historical walks in January and February, Covid rules allowing.