Saturday, 21 March 2020

Walk 251 Pinkie Cleugh Circle

Following best advice and keeping well apart on the walk, eleven Strollers met at Musselburgh harbour for a walk round Pinkie Cleugh in March. They were joined by ‘muddy’ Moira who came dashing along behind them so she could justify her visit to Luca’s ice cream shop at the end of the walk.

Breathing in the very fresh air they made their way along to Musselburgh High Street, past the Mercat Cross and up Newbigging to Lewisvale Park where the sound of the birds in the aviary mixed with the cries of ‘out’ from the tennis courts. We then walked up past the cricket pitch and the marker to show where the Duke of Somerset’s English troops camped at the time of the battle of Pinkie, coming out opposite Inveresk Lodge Gardens.

The village itself has an open day, usually in June, when you can visit gardens of several of the houses. We followed Crookston Road between the fields where the Battle of Pinkie took place up to the monument for the battle.

From there we went along to Wallyford noting all the new housing that is being built there together with a new school. Next we went into Wallyford itself with its skyline marked by the skeleton of the stand at the greyhound stadium then down to walk along by the railway line and past more new housing into Pinkie.

Next we strolled from there through the grounds of Pinkie St Peters Primary School back to the High Street. We finished the walk at the columns that marked the edge of Musselburgh and allowing Moira to stop off for her ice-cream.

Given the restrictions in place with the Corona Virus and cutting back in transport links this will probably be the last Strollers’ walk for a while. 

All the best for the coming months and hope to see everyone on a walk in the not too distant future.