Saturday, 14 December 2019

Strollers Walk 248 - Christmas Lunch

Seventy Strollers met at the Royal Scots Club in Abercrombie Place to enjoy Christmas Lunch and be entertained by the Strolling Minstrels.

It was good to see so many ‘old’ faces at the lunch and take the time to catch up with Strollers who hadn’t been on walks for a while. After pre-lunch drinks in the bar, we were piped through to the hall by Jim Cooper, and our thanks to him for doing it.

After a very nice lunch we were then entertained to songs from the musicals by the Strolling Minstrels. As well as the songs from the musicals, there were also some songs with some of the words changed to reflect the walks the Strollers had done throughout the year. They finished off with some sing-along numbers which everyone joined in with gusto.

Many thanks to John for all his directorial work and to all the other singing Strollers, Joan who organised the singers, Violet, Liz, Isobel, Barbara, Moira, Eleanor, Tom and Peter.

It was then time for everyone to make their way home, and as usual it was raining when it was time to go! 

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone and we look forward to seeing you all on walks in 2020.