Sunday, 4 June 2017

Strollers Walk No. 218 - Wednesday 21st June 2017, Peebles to Eddlestone

Walk No. 218:    Peebles to Eddlestone
Date:                Wednesday 21st June 2017
Distance:          6 miles approximately
Start at:           Edinburgh Road Car Park, Peebles
Finish at:         Horseshoe Inn, Eddlestone

Sixteen Strollers, and one hanger-on, met on a day that was forecast for rain, thunder and lightning to walk from Peebles to Eddlestone via the old Drovers Road. As it turned out everyone was a bit wet when the walk finished but this was due to the heat and the energy used on the hill that was supposed to only be a quarter of a mile long. Someone needs to get a better measuring stick. Thankfully we had no thunder or rain at all, despite the forecast.
As we walked from the car park to Standalone Farm to start our walk we passed houses decorated for the Beltane week and our hanger-on pointed out whose house they belonged to and also where she played as a child. It’s amazing how good her memory is and how cheeky she is, as she then borrowed a phone from someone cutting their grass just to check where we were on the walk! She left us at the start of the hill which many later described as an astute move. Eventually at the crest of the hill we had lovely views back down to Peebles and the hills beyond.
Stopping for lunch break allowed everyone to get their breath back and cool down a little before crossing a field to walk down the farm track to join up with the Eddlestone to Lyne Road, where we were followed and stared at by a herd of cows who were obviously bemused by a group walking in such heat. Joining up again with the Drovers Road we made our way along to Eddlestone passing through fields of sheep and then down past Bunny Corner and the house with guard geese and ducks on the way to Barony Castle Hotel, where the Polish troops were stationed during the war. Some people stopped there to go for lunch while others went to look at the Great Polish Map of Scotland, while the rest of
us made our way down the hill passing the llama’s on our way to catch a bus back to Peebles.
With immaculate timing, we got to the bus stop just in time for the bus, which took 5 minutes to get us back to where we started the walk 3 hours earlier! At least it didn’t rain.
Thanks to Drew for another great route, but everyone is looking forward to a flat canal walk in July!