This Blog is intended only for the use of Edinburgh-based Staff Pensioners of a particular company with its Head Office in Edinburgh, Scotland. Although this Blog is open to view by anyone, use of the information contained therein should be limited to those who are members of the relevant company's Pensioners' Association.
Friday, 12 August 2016
Theatre Group - Christmas Pantomime 2016
This year’s pantomime is Jack and the Beanstock at the Kings Theatre Edinburgh. We have made a provisional booking for the Matinee Performance at 2.00pm on Tuesday 13 December 2016.
Prices and details have been circulated to members on the Theatre Group Distribution list by email. Those who only receive a postal mailing will receive this within the next few days.
If you wish to attend, please complete and return the reply form with your payment, no later than 27th September 2016. The tickets you order will be available at the November Coffee Morning on the 2nd November or posted out the next day.
Note: If you want to sit beside your friends, it would be easier for us to administer if you could all get together and send back a single form for the group of you, thanks.
Also: If you are replying for the Pantomime and the September Summer Outing in the same envelope, please enclose a separate cheque for each event, as this will ease the administration and the cheques will be cashed at different times, thank you.