Sunday, 13 November 2016

Dates for Strollers Walks in 2017

Drew has updated the list of the dates for Strollers activities for your diary in 2017:
26/01/2017 Thursday   Historic Walk, High Street (top)
21/02/2017 Tuesday    Historic Walk, Leith
22/03/2017 Wednesday  Ocean Terminal to Silverknowes
20/04/2017 Thursday    Cramond to South Queensferry
22/05/2017 Monday      *** Volunteer wanted, Drew is on holiday ***
21/06/2017 Wednesday   Eddleston to Peebles
18/07/2017 Tuesday       Ratho Canal Walk
17/08/2017 Thursday    *** Volunteer welcome ***
12/09/2017 Tuesday     Fife Coastal Walk (note change of date)
18/10/2017 Wednesday   Borders??
16/11/2017 Thursday
07/12/2017 Thursday      Strollers Festive Lunch

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Strollers Walk No. 211 - Thursday 17th November 2016, Corstorphine Circular

Walk No. 211:   Corstorphine Circular Walk
Date:                Thursday 17th November
Distance:          2.75 miles approximately

Do we go on the walk or not? That was the question we asked ourselves on Thursday morning as the rain battered off the windows. But look, a bright spot appeared and a gap in the rain, so off we went - and so did another 26 Strollers. Just shows weather doesn’t stop our hardy bunch! Luckily the walk, starting at the site of the old Corstorphine Railway Station, was on tarmac, partly through Carrick-Knowe and then on to the new cycle and pedestrian path laid alongside the tram line and then back along the old railway line to Corstorphine.

Ian, who led us on the walk, explained that the station had originally been built with a long platform as it was intended to allow for troops arriving for a proposed new barracks, which did not materialise as the barracks were built at Redford instead.
Making our way to the end of Carrick-Knowe golf club, which lost some holes due to the tram line being built and had to do a bit of remodelling, Ian explained that at one time this area was the site of Corstorphine Loch which was drained in the 17th Century with the creation of the Stank Burn to take the water away. Corstorphine was actually between the loch and Gogar Loch, which now has the Gyle playing fields and shopping centre on it.
Making our way along the path towards the old Jenners Repository, now a storage area we turned and followed the old railway line to Pinkhill Station where the old station house is now a garage repair shop. Just up from that is the site of the Melville Bridge Club after their relocation from Haymarket. Back to the old Corstorphine Station area and time to go for something warm to eat and drink.
Thanks very much to Ian for arranging the walk and timing it so we didn’t get too much rain! Hope to see you all at a walk in 2017!

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Strollers Walk No. 212 - to Our Christmas Lunch on Thursday 8th December 2016

Our annual Strollers Christmas Lunch was held on Thursday 8th December at The Royal Scots Club in Edinburgh. After being piped into the room by Alex, Drew welcomed us then 85 festive Strollers enjoyed an excellent lunch followed by musical entertainment from our own Songsters. Many thanks to everyone involved in making our Strolling year such a success and to those who helped organise the day and entertain us. Most of all, thanks to Drew. Keep up the good work.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Strollers Walk No. 210 - Wednesday 19th October 2016, Peebles, Venlaw Hill, Janets Brae

Walk No. 210:   Peebles, Venlaw Hill, Soonhope Burn, Janet's Brae
Date:                Wednesday 19th October 2016
Distamce:         6 miles approximately

Started and finished at:     Edinburgh Road Car Park, Peebles

On what was supposed to be a sunny day but was a bit overcast, fourteen strollers met up for a walk round Venlaw and either a stroll down Soonhope Burn or a longer walk through Glentress forest. Walking up Venlaw, and passing the quarry from where the stone was quarried for a lot of the houses in Peebles, there was a slight flurry of rain but luckily it wasn’t heavy enough to expand the many puddles from the previous night’s rain. The slope down to the Soonhope Burn seemed steeper than last time but at least there was now a fence to hold on to. Crossing the burn and going up the hill to the path also seemed steeper, is this a memory or an age thing, or both? A couple of strollers elected to go back down the path by the Soonhope Burn passing the holiday cottages built after the Second World War and make their way down to Peebles. The rest declined the offer of going straight up the hill from where we were into Glentress and Janet’s Brae, and instead we followed the path up the Soonhope Burn and then cut off to follow the forest road into Glentress. It seemed to keep going up for a long time. Keeping our eyes peeled for cyclists we worked our way ever upwards to the Buzzards car park and a break for lunch. We didn’t see any buzzards just lots of happy cyclists on their school holidays and the ingenuity of one being pulled up the hill by a car and a tow rope. From there we made our way down Janet’s Brae and past Peebles Hydro back into Peebles and time for a snack before going home. Looking forward to a flatter railway path walk in November!
Many thanks yet again to Drew for arranging our walks. Hope to see you all in November. 

Monday, 5 September 2016

Strollers Walk No. 209 - Monday 19th September 2016, Union Canal, Colinton, Campbell Park

Walk No. 209:   Union Canal, Colinton, Campbell Park
Date:                Monday 19th September 2016
Start Time:       11:00
Duration:          2.5 hours approximately
Distance:          6 miles approximately
Meet at:           Boroughmuir Rugby Club, Meggetland, Edinburgh
Sixteen strollers met at Meggetland for a walk out to Blinkbonny near Currie via the Union Canal, Balerno railway line, Campbell Park and back by the Water of Leith Walkway. It turned out to be another excellent dry and hot day for a stroll. Walking out along the canal and admiring a bungalow which had been renovated and extended with a hot tub, which was in use on the way back but on the wrong side of the canal for us to join in. Crossing the canal aqueduct over the Water of Leith, avoiding cyclists and trying not to look down. It’s such a long way down even with a fence between you and the drop, it’s only 75 feet in old money but it looks a long way. From there over the Lanark Road and on to the Balerno Branch railway line which ceased running in 1967 and is now part of a National Cycle Route. Following this to Colinton Village through the curved Hailes railway tunnel, which is well lit and well surfaced, we passed Spylaw Park where the house is that used to belong to James Gillespie, founder of the school that bears his name. The house is now flats. Continuing on from there past the site of the old Scotts Porridge Oats factory, then up to Campbell Park for a lunch break. The gentle peace and quiet of the afternoon was suddenly shattered by the sports pavilion alarm going off, so it was time to beat a retreat and continue on our walk before questions were asked as to why it went off. Going along Woodhall Road and passing the new and very posh looking equestrian centre and then Woodhall House - a 17th century mansion remodelled in the 19th century, which at one time used to be a Jesuit retreat but is now flats and a family home. Making our way through the trees to Blinkbonny Road and down to the Water of Leith walkway to start our journey back, watching the buzzards circling and wondering whether we would all make it safely back to the start.
Thanks yet again to drew (and Eleanor) for organising this walk. Hope to see you all on the next walk.

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Outing to Loch Lomond - Monday 12th September 2016

The fifth and last outing of 2016 took place on Monday 12 September, when we had a full day trip to Loch Lomond. 59 of us met at Waterloo Place, Edinburgh at 9.30am to join our coach on a dry morning in Edinburgh but with a poor forecast for the west of Scotland. Our coffee stop was at Mackinnon Mills, Coatbridge.  We then headed to Loch Lomond, with the weather still dry, but ran into rain on the approach to Balloch. We had a two-hour cruise up the Loch to Luss and back, it stayed dry most of the time but with low cloud and mist hanging over the Loch creating rather atmospheric views of the islands. After that we rejoined the coach for the short trip to the Loch Lomond Shores Visitor and Retail Centre.  We then headed to the Winnock Hotel in Drymen for high tea before returning via Striling and the M9 to Edinburgh. Thanks to all involved in organising this enjoyable outing.

Friday, 12 August 2016

Theatre Group - Christmas Pantomime 2016

This year’s pantomime is Jack and the Beanstock at the Kings Theatre Edinburgh. We have made a provisional booking for the Matinee Performance at 2.00pm on Tuesday 13 December 2016.
Prices and details have been circulated to members on the Theatre Group Distribution list by email. Those who only receive a postal mailing will receive this within the next few days.

If you wish to attend, please complete and return the reply form with your payment, no later than 27th September 2016. The tickets you order will be available at the November Coffee Morning on the 2nd November or posted out the next day. 

Note: If you want to sit beside your friends, it would be easier for us to administer if you could all get together and send back a single form for the group of you, thanks.
Also: If you are replying for the Pantomime and the September Summer Outing in the same envelope, please enclose a separate cheque for each event, as this will ease the administration and the cheques will be cashed at different times, thank you.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Strollers Walk No. 208 - Thursday 18th August 2016, Earlston and River Leader

Walk No:      208
Date:            Thursday 18th August 2016
Distance:     5.5 miles approximately (see text below)

Summary: On another warm day twenty four Strollers met in Earlston for the August walk. Starting at the War Memorial we made our way up Station Road and down a flight of stairs to Speedy’s path. That Mexican mouse Gonzalez gets everywhere! There also seemed to be a lot of steps on this walk, down then up again, taking us past Sorrowlessfield Bridge where we crossed the Leader Water. Sorrowlessfield named as it was the only one to have had no one killed at Flodden. We then passed Cowdenknowes House, originally a tower house of four storeys and a corbelled-out parapet dating back to the 16th Century, where Mary Queen of Scots once stayed in October 1566, while en route to Jedburgh. Time then to have a seat on the fine “Badger Bench”, carved from a single tree trunk by chainsaw and installed in 2010. Going through Packman’s Wood and continuing on along the side of Leader Water where we saw a heron and a flock of Goosanders ducks. Passing Drygrange which had been a Roman Catholic seminary called St. Andrew's College founded in 1953 but closed in 1986 and is now a care home. We were able to look into the walled garden as the current resident has built a step so people can see her lovely garden. Continuing on we made our way to the Viaduct over The Tweed where we stopped for lunch sitting at the end of Drygrange Old Bridge, a road bridge dating from 1776.
We were entertained at lunch by three enthusiasts from Greenock, flying drones with cameras and using headsets to see what the drones saw. Some Strollers got the opportunity to try out a headset. Then it was time to partly retrace our steps past and through Drygrange and the Lodge entrance where we walked back down the old A68 road and then beside the A68 itself back to Earlston and time for a snack.
There was a bit of a discussion over the distance travelled but the general consensus was that Moira’s arithmetic was poor and it was a tad further than the 5.5 miles she had calculated! (Alistair’s GPS tracked 6.7 miles.) But everyone was happy and enjoyed the lovely walk.
Thanks to Moira for arranging it and the good weather.

Monday, 18 July 2016

Outing to Lindisfarne, Tuesday 23rd August 2016

The fourth outing of 2016 took place on Tuesday 23 August, when we had a full day trip to Lindisfarne (Holy Island). We needed two coaches, as 86 people had booked for this trip. We left Waterloo Place at 09:30 and headed down the A1. One coach stopped at East Ord Garden Centre at Berwick for morning coffee, but the second coach went on to Beale for its stop. We all met up again on Lindisfarne, by which time the sun was well out. The island was very busy and we walked and climbed to the castle, run by National Trust where we had the chance to view the many rooms and admire the coastal views.
We then had some free time to wander more of the town before boarding our buses to head for
the Tankerville Arms at Wooler and high tea. Given the large numbers, service took a while, especially the battered cod which was massive and took too long to cook and serve.
We were back in Edinburgh shortly after 8pm after a good day out.
Many thanks Barabra for organising this trip, to Carole and Moira for handling all the bookings and cheques, also to Ronnie, Joan and others who helped out on the day distributing forms, refunds, etc.

Saturday, 9 July 2016

Strollers Walk No. 207 - Tuesday 19th July 2016, Haddington and River Tyne

Walk No. 207:    Haddington and River Tyne
Date:                 Tuesday 19th July 2016
Distance:           6 miles
Start at:             Court Street, Haddington
On a hot balmy day twenty two strollers met up for a leisurely stroll round Haddington. Actuall there were twenty three, but two more missed the bus to Haddimngton, so one decided to wait for them. Given the heat, somewhere around 27ºc, a leisurely stroll was the order of the day. We left the town centre to go down Meadowpark past Knox School and the Long Cram to join the River Tyne and follow the path, passing trees planted for the coronation of Queen Victoria and George the V and his wife Mary, round to St Mary’s Church where we stopped for lunch, and where the late arrivals caught up with us. We sat the shadow of the church which started off the career of John Knox and the Nungate Bridge where executions were held in earlier centuries.
Crossing the bridge we moved on to Haddington Golf course which is in the ground that once was part of the Amisfield estate owned by the Earl of Wemyss. The area at the start of the estate also housed a prisoner of war camp, and then a refugee camp from 1944 to 1949. The clubhouse now stands on the site of the former house which was demolished in 1928. Nearby are the ruins of a summer house in front of which was a bowling green. From there we went into Amisfield walled garden, which is the largest walled garden in Scotland. It used to provide the fruit and vegetables for the house and due to its size acted as a showpiece garden for the estate. It is now run as a community garden and is open to the public.
It was time to make our way back along the river to Haddington and find a long cool cold drink.
Thanks to Drew for guiding us round this lovely walk. Hopefully the August walk will find a medium between the heat of Tuesday and the rain of the June walk! Hope to see you all then.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Outing to Scottish Organ Preservation Society and Manderston House - Thursday 14th July 2016

The third outing of 2016 was on 14 July to the Scottish Theatre Organ Preservation Society in Greenlaw, then Manderston House. 44 people came on this outing but no fancy bus this time, nor our usual driver. Again the weather was very kind to us although Edinburgh was sunnier.
When we arrived in Greenlaw there was an ambulance on the main road near the Organ Hall. That’s when we found out we had a problem. It had the Organist in it, as he had taken ill before we arrived and he was being taken to Borders General Hospital.  The person in charge of the hall had not had time to deal with the Teas and Coffees. The tables had been set, so we mucked in and
everyone eventually got their elevenses, thanks to the committee members and some Association members.
One of our members, Alan, then stepped in and said he could play the organ if there was music available. So although no requests were played and “Happy Birthday” was missed we were well entertained.
With time on our hands, we then had an unscheduled stop in Duns where lunch was bought by some, either at the bakers or the baguette café. Someone even managed to make a purchase from the Charity Shop!
We then proceeded to Manderston, where we wandered round the gardens in the sunshine and also visited the House which is famous for its silver staircase.  Some even managed to walk back to the Stables and the Tea Room.
After that, High Tea was at Carfraemill which was good as usual.  However that didn’t go without incident either.  Alan’s wife tripped entering the building and ended up clutching a bag of ice to her face with a large plaster on her elbow.  “The things that people will do to get a free glass of wine!”
We all returned safely to a still sunny Edinburgh, a bit early as Carfraemill isn’t too far away.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Strollers Walk No. 206 - Wednesday 22nd June, Linlithgow Town, Union Canal and River Avon

Date:           Wednesday 22nd June 2016
Distance:     5 miles approximately
Duration:      2.5 hours approximately
Started at:       Linlithgow Railway Station
Finished at:     Linlithgow town centre
On Wednesday 22nd, 25 of us set out in the sunshine from Linlithgow Railway Station westwards along the Union Canal. The canal was opened in 1822 and as we walked along the towpath we passed a 16th century doocot built by Baron Ross of Halkhead to provide food in the winter, then Linlithgow Primary and Academy Schools, the Linlithgow Canal Boat Heritage Centre where we saw the Victoria a replica steam packet boat built in 1972, the stables used for the horses which pulled the Canal boats , the headquarters of the Linlithgow Sea Scouts and Linlithgow Golf Course. before arriving at the Avon Aqueduct. However by 12:00 we had encountered a shower of rain which got heavier as we approached the aquaduct over the River Avon. This was built by Thomas Telford and is over 800 feet long support by hollow piers which do have small doors for access. 
We didn’t cross the aqueduct but went down a steep set of steps to join the Avon Heritage Trail and followed a footpath alongside the river underneath the trees, giving us some shelter from the shower. This path crossed boardwalks and slightly muddy paths which took us down to the 24 span railway viaduct over the River Avon which was opened in 1842 and connects the Cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow.  By this time the shower has passsed, so we continued along the main road through Linlithgow Bridge and back into Linlithgow town centre in time for something to eat. 
Drew then thanked Ronnie for organising this walk, before we dispersed into/onto various cafes, pubs, buses and trains. The promised sunshine had not materialised and it was a tad on the wet side at times which was more galling when we got home to discover it had not rained in Edinburgh!
The July walk is to Haddington following another river so let’s hope the sun comes out!

 If you did not receive an email advising you of this walk (and think you should have), please contact us by email at or

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Outing to Legends of Grandtully / Scottish Chololate Centre - Wednesday 8th June 2016

The second outing of 2016 took place on Wednesday 8 June, when we had a full day trip to Legends of Grandtully / Scottish Chocolate Centre. A full barnd-new 62-seater coach load of people made the most of the sunshine, as the sunny spell in June was about to come to an end.
Coffee stop was at Dobbies, Perth.  We then headed to the Scottish Chocolate Centre to browse about for a while.  After that is was some free time in sunny Pitlochry.
High tea was at the Crieff Hydro
, although rather disappointing for some, before our eventual return to Edinburgh. 

Many thanks to Joan for arranging this outing and to the usual others who helped out with bookings, cheques, etc. Roll out some more good weather for July outing please.

Strollers Walk No.205 - Monday 23 May 2016, Dalkeith Country Park

This walk was in Dalkeith Country Park on Monday 23 May.
For details about the Country Park, see

I notice that they now seem to be charging £1 for person for entry to the Park.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Outing to Stirling Castle - Friday 13th May 2016

The first outing of 2016 took place on Friday 13 May, when we had full day trip to Stirling Castle. After a coffee stop at Dobbies, Livingston, we headed for Stirling Castle. Many found this attraction significantly extended and improved since a previous visit and wanted more time to browse the various displays and museums there. Others wanted more time to spend wandering the Callander shops before moving on to Bridge of Allan for high tea at the Royal Hotel. We can't please all of the people all of the time but we do try our best!.
Many thanks to Ronnie for arranging this trip (and for use of his credit card to avoid an embarrasing refusal of entry to the Castle). Also thanks to Barbara for her "induction by fire" to the finacial organisation of such trips. 

Monday, 18 April 2016

Summer Outings - Dates and Venues

We are close to finalising the coach and venue bookings for the Summer Outings. Here is what we are planning, so you can get the dates into your diaries.
  • Friday 13th May - Visit to Stirling Castle, then hopefully some free time in Callander
  • Wednesday 8th June - Visit to Legends of Grandtully / Scottish Chocolate Centre,
    then some free time in Aberfeldy or Pitlochry
  • Thursday 14th July - Visit to Greenlaw Organ Preservation Society,
    then on to Manderston House
  • Tuesday 23rd August - Visit to Lindisfarne (Holy Island) including Lindisfarne Castle
  • Monday 12th September - Cruise on Loch Lomond from Balloch,
    with free time at Loch Lomond Shores Visitor Centre
Each outing will be an all-day coach trip, with High Tea somewhere on the journey back.
Full details of the each outing, including costs, timings and booking form will be issued via email to members. The details of the first outing on 13th May should be available tomorrow, with replies needed by Monday 2nd May. Apologies for short notice of the first date.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Strollers Walk No. 204 - Thursday 21st April 2016, Kinross and Loch Leven

Walk No. 204:     Kinross and Loch Leven
Date:                  Thursday 21st April 2016
Distance:            6.6 miles approximately
Start at:     Boathouse Bistro, Sandport Close, Kinross
On a beautiful sunny morning 29 Strollers met at the Boathouse car park for this walk, with some taking refreshment the Boathouse Bistro to fortify them for the miles ahead. We set off along the excellent loch-side path through the reed-beds, emerging at Kirkgate Park. Continuing northwards along the loch-side, we watched swans taking off and then passed Kinross House, admiring the daffodils around the hedge and walls and getting a view of the house thorough the gate. The path returned to the water's edge at Burleigh Sands, where a few walkers settled in the sunshine on a wooden bench to eat their picnic lunch while others walked into the shade where there was a circle of stone seats and some information boards.

Resuming our walk after this break, we crossed the minor road and headed up a path to reach the disused railway track. This was on a raised embankment giving a good view of Burleigh Castle and the passing through some fields where we watch tractors preparing the ground for potato planting. Now heading west along the railway path, we reached the main road and turned left to head back down towards Kinross. We paused at the new Community High School Campus to thank John for organising this picturesque and interesting walk, debating whether John or Drew should be congratulated for the excellent weather. As we walked back through Kinross, members gradually disappeared into various establishments for some lunch as the remainder returned down Sandport to the Boathouse Car Park.

Friday, 11 March 2016

Strollers Walk No. 203 - Wednesday 23rd March 2016, Commonwealth Pool to Musselburgh

Walk no. 203:    Commonwealth Pool to Musselburgh via Innocent Railway path, etc.
Date:                 Wednesday 23rd March 2016
Distance:           5.25 miles approximately
Meet at:            Commonwealth Pool (outside main entrance in Dalkeith Road)

Finish at:           Fisherrow Harbour, Musselburgh
Thirty seven Strollers met up at the Commonwealth Pool to walk to Fisherrow Harbour, Musselburgh. It was very good of the schools to come along and entertain us with a swimming and diving contest while we were sitting and having coffee and bacon rolls. Dragging ourselves out in to the overcast day we set out on the stroll to Musselburgh. Walking along the Innocent Railway and passing Prestonfield Golf Course, home to a monastery at one time, watching the flight of the heron (sounds a good title for a book) and passing a tree full of bras. Obviously a hen night got carried away.
On past Duddingston Golf Course and down to Bingham and the Jewel, so called because of the quality of the coal mined there. It was there we encountered a field of shopping trolleys too numerous to count that had obviously escaped from their normal habitat at Asda. Crossing the Borders Railway line we continued on down the path of the Brunstane or Braidburn or Niddrie burn depending on what map you look at, passing the private golf course at Milton Glen and the big houses with some features including a dry-stane wall. Finding a tree filled with trainers, obviously the marathon runners having had enough and throwing them away.
Spotting a rare looking bird in a tree which turned out to be a pigeon, must get new glasses before the next walk, it was then time to finish the walk at Fisherrow Harbour and find a cafe for a well earned tea and cake.. Hope you all enjoyed the rather quicker stroll than normal and thanks again to Drew for organising the walk. Look forward to seeing you all at Kinross in April.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Strollers Walk No. 202, Thursday 25th February 2016, Historic Walk - Stockbridge to Botanic Gardens

Walk no. 202:    Historic Guided Walk - Stockbridge to Botanic Gardens
Date:                 Thursday 25th February 2016
Distance:           2 miles approximately
Duration:            2 hours approximately
Start Time:        10:45
Meet at:            Stockbridge at corner of St Bernards Row

Finish at:          Botanic Gardens, East Gate (on Inverleith Row)
On a rather dull morning in Edinburgh, 58 Strollers met in Stockbridge for a walk to Inverleith and the Botanic Gardens, guided by our Blue Badge Guides Karen and Helen. There should have been 59 of us, but it helps if the organiser remembers to let everyone know about a change of starting point! Many apologies to Bill M.
We started off in St Bernard’s Row, where if you need to ask the price of a house you can’t afford it. We heard the history of Malta House - a Church of Scotland support centre. Malta Terrace itself used to be used as a drying green. We then stopped across the river from the Glenogle Colonies for a brief history of how and why these houses were built. In 1861, a group of builders found themselves locked out of their building sites due to a dispute about working hours. Their three-month ban led to the formation of The Edinburgh Co-operative Building Company Ltd (ECBC). This group comprised many different trades - stonemasons, plasterers, plumbers and others sympathetic to their aims. Central to its mission was a co-operative spirit that was reflected in its adoption of the beehive motif, visible on the gable-ends of the houses and depicting the motifs of the different trades. We then passed a large red-sandstone house that used to be used as a hostel for SL Actuarial Students. Passing the Ferranti Bowling club we learned how the first rules of the game of bowls as we know it know were put together in Scotland in 1864, though the association had been started in 1848, with the Glasgow firm of Taylor’s still being a main manufacturer of the bowls.
As we approached the west entrance to the Botanic Gardens, we paused to look at a new planting of a yew hedge behind the perimeter fence. We then entered via the new John Hope building to warm up a little and see all the changes being made. We set off through the gardens and saw the tree of Friendship with the USA, before heading through the Beech Hedge to admire the small gardens made by the students and to pass by the Botanics Cottage. This building originally stood in Leith Walk at the entrance to the Botanic Gardens in the late 18th and early 19th centuries (before the Gardens were relocated to Inverleith). By the early 2000s it had been abandoned and was set to be demolished, but a plan was hatched to dismantle it and rebuild it here at Inverleith. It is now nearing completion and will become a centre for community and education activities exactly 250 years after it was first constructed, but it was too busy with construction workers for us to pause here to learn more. We moved on to see the Queen Mother's gardens with its amazing little house decorated with shells and pine cones.
Finishing up, as it began to feel a lot colder and a bowl of soup beckoned, we headed for the east gate exit and heard the story that the Wee Tea Company of Scotland now exports tea to China. How things change.
Our thanks again to our guides Karen and Helen for all their efforts in preparing for the walks and we’ll see them again next year.

Annual General Meeting - Monday 8th February, Edinburgh

Apologies for not posting this earlier. Our Annual General Meeting will be held in The Royal Overseas League, Princes Street Edinburgh on the afternoon of Monday 8th February 2016. Notice of this meeting was sent out to all members on 12th January. If you did not receive this, please contact our mailbox at with a note of your name and post code. Bookings to attend this meeting have now closed.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Strollers Walk No. 201, Monday 25th January - Historic Walk - Drumsheugh - Dean Village

Walk No. 201:     Historic Walk - Drumsheaugh - Dean Village
Date:                  Monday 25th January 2016
Started at:           Charlotte Square, outside West Register House
Finished at:         Dean Village / Stockbridge

Forty Strollers turned out for the January History Walk led by our Blue Badge Guides Karen and Helen. Changing the day of the walk proved to be very fortuitous on the weather front as it remained dry and mild though a trifle windy. Gathering together at Charlotte Square, we made our way into what was known as the Drumsheugh Estate when the Edinburgh New Town extended westwards.
At the start of Melville Street we learned about the fine wrought iron work and the history of Lord Melville. This street used to be home to Melville College, the all boys school, before it merged with Daniel Stewarts. In addition, St Georges, the all girls’ school, used to be here before moving to Ravelston. The Girl Guide Association still has its headquarters here as well as the Consulates of around 30 different countries and the Edinburgh office of the Secretary of State for Scotland. We then stopped in Stafford Street to see the site of a Turkish Baths that existed there in the 19th and early 20th Century, for both men and women, though at different times. It was one of several in the city but the only one surviving now is in Portobello baths. Moving on to Walker Street, we heard about the first site of the Elsie Inglis medical centre, the forerunner to the better known Edinburgh hospital. At the outbreak of the First World War she offered to set up nursing units but was refused by the British Government, however her offer was accepted by the French and she also worked in Serbia and Russia. She died in 1917 but her work was recognised by the countries she served in and the hospital in Serbia still bears her name.
We moved on to Rothesay Terrace to B+B Edinburgh, a boutique bed and breakfast hotel. No, not time for a nap, but time to see the former home of John Ritchie Findlay, once the owner of the Scotsman newspaper. It has a lovely view over the Dean Village from the window at the back. Its architect, Sydney Mitchell, also oversaw the apprenticeship of Findlay's son, James Leslie, who went on to design the Scotsman Newspaper's former headquarters on North Bridge, which is also now a hotel.
Leaving the Drumsheugh Estate, we headed down to the Dean Village to visit the site of all the grain mills that used to exist. Collectively known as 'The Baxters' or baker's guild, they provided the whole of Edinburgh and surrounding villages with meal and thrived until the 19th Century, when the larger flour mills in Leith eventually made them redundant
They have all gone now or converted to housing but the Miller Row name reminds us of who has been there, as does the engraving of paddles on the Brae Bridge. This was the main route out of Edinburgh to Queensferry before the Dean Bridge (designed by Thomas Telford) was built in 1832. The name of the village comes from the word dene meaning "deep valley”. The most striking building in the Dean Village is Well Court, recently restored with the help of Edinburgh World Heritage but built in the 1880s as model housing for local workers by John Ritchie Findlay, to improve the view from his house in Rothesay Terrace!. What goes down must come up again and so we did - up Bells Brae to Kirkbrae House which at one time was a tavern for the Dean Village Baxters. It has an engraving on the wall in keeping with its clientele: "In the sweat of thy face shall thou eat bread Gen 3 verse 19". Here we ended our walk.
Our thanks once again tour guides, Karen and Helen, for all the information we enjoyed on the walk. See you next month.

Strollers Walks - Planned dates for 2016

Here are the dates currently planned for Strollers Walks in 2016. Thses may be subject to change.

25 January       - Historic Walk - Drumsheaugh
25 February      - Historic Walk - Botanics
23 March          - Edinburgh Area
21 April            - Kinross
23 May            - Dalkeith Area
22 June            - Linlithgow
19 July             - Haddington
18 August         - Borders
19 September    - Edinburgh Area
19 October        - 
17 November    - Corstorphine, Pinkhill
8 December     - Christmas Lunch