Thursday, 30 August 2012

Outing - Monday 17 September, Glasgow's Riverside (Transport) Museum and Auchentoshan Distillery

56 people attended our last outing of the year to Auchentoshan Distillery in Clydebank and then the Riverside Museum (Glasgow's Museum of Transport).

The coach left Waterloo Place, Edinburgh for a refreshment stop at Mackinnon Mills near Coatbridge before heading to Clydebank to visit Auchentoshan Distillery. We were split into smaller groups for excellent guided tours of the distillery, including a chance to sample a dram of Auchentoshan whisky. Apparently sales of their new Cream Liqueur took an upward surge once the sampling session was over! Then it was back on the coach in cheery mood to head for the Riverside Museum in Glasgow for the rest of the afernoon. Unfortunately, the heavens opened in time to soak everyone on their dash back to the coach after the visit. High Tea was at La Bonne Auberge (Holiday Inn Theatreland Restaurant) in Glasgow before our return to  Edinburgh.