Thursday 27 June 2024

Walk 288 - Innerleithen to Peebles - June 2024

Twelve Strollers met in Innerleithen to walk back along the old railway line to Peebles. Some of them went to Caldwells first to get an ice-cream before the walk claiming they would walk it off!

Given the forecast was for rain later in the day we hoped to finish before it came. However just as we reached the wooden bridge at Cardrona it started to drizzle and the quickly disappearing hills made it look as if we were in for a downpour. Luckily, by the time we walked through Cardrona to stop for a lunch break at the bus stop and site of the old railway station, it had cleared up. The station used to be a cafe but Covid and roadworks seemed to put an end to it. It’s up for sale so if anyone fancies a place for a little holiday cottage then it can be yours.

From here we passed Cardrona golf course, which was playing host to a Tartan Tour event, and also watched the sand martins going in and out of the their nests in the embankment of the river. We passed the woods at Eshiels and went through the old tunnel. It has been resurfaced, had lighting and even bat sensors added. Some thought the slope seemed a bit steeper than the level 1 which had been stated, but that’s only because we normally do the walk in the other direction.

Then it was on past Janet's Brae, which was being made ready for a cycling championship this weekend, and finishing in Peebles with time for a bite to eat before heading home.

Hopefully the weather will be as kind on the next walk.

Our thanks to Drew for organising. 


Tuesday 4 June 2024

Outing to Hill House and Helensburgh - 3 June 2024

On a much better morning than on our May outing, 51 members and their guests headed off to Dobbies Livingston for our coffee stop. We collected another member there.

We made good time heading to Helensburgh and only seemed to be held up by one set of temporary lights on a narrow stretch of the A82. (This contrasted with the problems and delays some of our number met with coming in from the west of Edinburgh.)

As there were a fair number of folk already exploring the House, we were asked to spend some time in the gardens, cafe or exploring inside the blanket and metal frame covering and protecting the House. The Scottish weather has taken its toll on the building over the years. It was a lovely day to be strolling round the gardens. The inside of the House was interesting, albeit not to everyone's taste.

We then had an hour to have a wander round Helensburgh. Some just wandered while others found refreshment possibilities. Something to be aware of if you go back - the toilets in the railway station are for train ticket holders only!

Our high tea was at the Rosslea Hall hotel in Rhu. We had our meal in a lovely bright room. The hot food was freshly cooked and the scones were warm.

Here's a link to the photos which Drew took :-

Let's hope we have as good weather next month.