Forty seven Strollers, some old some new, met for Christmas Lunch at the Royal Scots Club in Abercromby Place.
As usual it was a very social occasion allowing people to catch up with
other Strollers, some not able to attend the walks, or just not seeing each
other on the walks due to ‘gossiping’ with others. Our thanks go to the RSC for
the lovely meal and the nice staff who kept the food and the drink flowing.
With the retiral of our Band of Strollers panto group, we finished off
with a quiz in which amazingly one of the tables managed to score 20/20 on the
section to fill in missing consonants in food. Good job for them as they were not
so hot on the general knowledge section.
So that’s it for another year. Roll on 2024 where hopefully the weather
will be a bit drier for the walks.