Saturday, 29 June 2013

Strollers Walk No. 171, Wednesday 24th July, Falkland

Outing Number 171:     Falkland - Pillars of Hercules
Date:                           Wednesday 24th July 2013

Distance:                     5 miles circular walk (well, more of a long rectangle actually)
Duration:                      3 hours approx.

Meet at:                       Pillars of Hercules Cafe (on A912 past Falkland, going north-west)
Twenty strollers came along to Falkland to take up the challenge of Hercules and move the Pillars. Given the weather the night before - thunder, lightning and heavy rain - and then passing the motorway signs on Wednesday morning warning of more heavy rain, it was a big surprise to get hot sunny weather for the whole walk.
Setting out from the Pillars of Hercules café along the very straight road and cycle path to Strathmiglo, we met with a horse and carriage out practising for an event. The things you see on a Strollers walk. All too soon it was time to stop for lunch; was Rory really setting that fast a pace or was Moira just so happy she was skipping along the road. Alistair took up residence in the willow hut to denote his position in the group while the rest of us sat round a picnic table or on the ground.
After lunch it was time to climb the hill up to the higher forest trail and work back towards the cafe, with time to stop on the crags and admire the views, without going too close to the edge for those that suffer from vertigo. Meeting up with a serious walking group with full backpacks, tents water panniers and big kettles made our small backpacks and empty lunch boxes seem rather inadequate. All too soon, but bang on the predicted time, we were back at the cafe with time for a cake or more before heading for home.
Many thanks to Drew and Eleanor for getting us out into unfamiliar countryside for this interesting walk. Here’s hoping the weather stays like this for the remaining walks.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Outing on Friday 26th July to the Border Union Show in Kelso

Over 60 members enjoyed a glorious sunny day at the Borders Union Annual Show in Springwood Park, Kelso on Friday 26th July. Highlights included horse show-jumping, sheep shearing, agricultural equipment, craft and food halls. Sophie, Countess of Wessex, apparently was there that day too, in her role as Patron of the Show, but I don't think any of us actually managed to spot her, although some noticed the additional security at one point.

Hight tea at the Kingsknowe Hotel in Galashiels was enjoyed by all and our two coach drivers dropped off many happy pensioners on the routes back into Edinburgh.

Thanks to all for their roles in organising this good day out.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Strollers Walk No. 170, Tuesday 25th June 2013

Outing No. 170:       Flotterstone to Loganlea (Pentland Hill Regional Park)
Date:                      Tuesday 25th June 2013
Start time:               11.00
Distance                  6.5 miles (or 8 miles if extended from Loganlea to The Howe)
Duration:                 4 hours
Start at:                  The Flotterstone Inn
Finish at:                 Flotterstone Visitor Centre

On what turned out to be very pleasant day for a walk, twenty one Strollers met at Flotterstone to walk to Loganlea Reservoir. Some felt the need to load up on carbohydrates before starting out and partook of coffee and scones in the Flotterstone Inn.
Meeting in the car park it was then the turn of the midgies to have a feast. Setting off at brisk pace to escape them we made our way up the path and then followed the road past Glencorse reservoir. Between the reservoirs we had to navigate past the herd of cows that had come out of their field to have a look at us as we passed by.
At 'The Howe' some stopped for lunch, while others walked on a little further to look at the waterfall and some decided a sit down lunch back at the Flotterstone Inn seemed a more comfortable attraction. Time to return with some taking a slight detour on the way back climbing a short distance up Castlelaw Hill to get a view down the Reservoir and walk back skirting the edge of the firing range.
Our thanks to Alasdair and Jill Niven for arranging the walk, scones and a nice day.